Manresa offers video content in support of some programmes. Selected videos may be listed here, other videos will be found with associated content. 

Some pointers on using video in a reflective context are offerered on our Using Videos on Retreat page.

YouTube Videos

Many videos are available on our YouTube channel - some are listed below. These videos are freely available for your use at any time.

Vimeo Videos

We use the Vimeo video hosting platform for selected content. These videos can be accessed on this website, presented according to the material you have chosen and available on your ‘My Manresa’ page.

Videos on

Blue Tits Nesting

Even this very common bird is fascinating to watch in the activity of caring for hatchlings.


Mike Drennan SJ shows how consideration of synod changes our perception of church.

Wild Bees

Bees make a home and comb in a tree in Manresa's grounds.


Aileen Murphy RLR invites you to see where God’s creative spirit has been with you throughout these months.