At home with Mary
Pope Francis encourages us to pray with Mary, to draw on traditional devotions, to pray as a Christian family in solidarity with our suffering world during this time of global pandemic.
No matter what is taking place externally, Antoinette Fleming's Mother and Child sculpture in the Arrupe Chapel (pictured here) has a way of drawing us into our hearts, conveying God’s loving care, and gentle holding of all that is tender and vulnerable. Antoinette Fleming has sensitively sculpted in this mother and child, a moment of hushed, silent encounter and intimate listening with her whole being…

The poet Gilly Fenner invites us, like Mary, to
Listen to the God within;
I am deep-down loving, longing.
In the heart space where all is free
There you will find me.
Who or what do you want God to embrace and gently hold at this time? Family, friends, people in your local parish, students, people generously working at the frontlines, those who are suffering and bereaved, those facing unemployment or uncertainty about the future…national leaders trying to make wise decisions…
In his encouraging letter Rejoice and Be Glad… Pope Francis mentioned his liking of contemplating the saints next door – “those parents raising their children with immense love, men and women supporting their families, the sick… and elderly religious who never lose their smile. Each in his or her own way can be a witness to God’s love”. Where are you noticing the saints next door in your neighbourhood…and on the diverse media platforms? How are you reflecting God’s love today?
Francis concludes that letter by writing “Mary is that woman who rejoiced in the presence of God, who treasured everything in her heart….She teaches us the way of holiness and she walks ever at our side. She does not let us remain fallen and at times she takes us into her arms without judging us. Mary our Mother does not need a flood of words. She does not need us to tell her what is happening in our lives. All we need to do is whisper again and again Hail Mary”… Amen.
retreat @ home
Participation in this retreat, At Home with Mary, will involve being given access to reflections on a selection of the Mysteries on the Rosary, taking into account our new local and global realities. Our hope is that we too might treasure all the experiences and come to know, trust and be at home with God, as Mary was.
You can choose when to begin this retreat; content will available on My Manresa.
You are invited to use the video for your reflection and prayer, pausing and continuing as you wish. You may find these notes helpful.
When first offered in May 2020, this retreat was accompanied by opportunities to be together online. This may be offered again in future but otherwise you are welcome to use it as a self-directed experience.