What kinds of retreat are available in Manresa?
Manresa offers a range of directed, preached and guided retreats during the course of the year. Private retreats can sometimes be arranged, depending on other activities that may be in progress.
A directed retreat is a retreat in which time is spent largely in individual prayer and reflection with the regular but brief accompaniment by a spiritual director. Directed retreats are also referred to as individually guided retreats ("IGRs"). Browse Manresa's upcoming directed retreats.
A preached retreat is one in which the presenter or director offers input to the whole group once or twice a day. This is instead of individual daily direction although some directors may be available to meet with individuals on an occasional basis during the course of the retreat. The rest of the day is available for quiet prayer and reflection either indoors or taking advantage of Manresa's attractive environment. Browse Manresa's upcoming preached retreats.
Guided retreats or themed retreats offer some structure with options from which the retreatant may choose. There is a more structured timetable, perhaps with morning prayer, evening or night prayer in common, some material offered to the group for reflection, opportunities for guided prayer in addition to some times for individual meetings with a spiritual director. You will find guided retreats among our shorter retreats.
- Mass is usually celebrated each day and a short period of silent common prayer is generally scheduled during longer retreats. The schedule proposed during shorter retreats varies.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation is usually available during a retreat.
- The Sacrament of the Sick may be celebrated during some retreats.