Saint Ia
Our heritage shows us how there are many ways of being faithful; the stories of Irish saints speak of how people embraced life with energy and imagination. In this retreat, Donna Worthington will consider how the insights of Saint Ia can lead us to wisdom and hope.
Saint Ia
The Irish Saint Ia, at a young age, literally missed the boat when her companions left Ireland, heading for Cornwall. Fearing crossing the sea alone, she prayed and saw a small leaf floating on the water. She watched it and it grew larger and larger. She trusted God, the leaf became her coracle and carried her across the ocean.
Ia’s story will be the creative ground from which to draw from in order to deepen your own spirituality. Using Ignatian guided imaginative prayer, you will explore the journey of surrender, solitude, the leafy coracle and the wild elemental ocean, wind and sky.
Her incredible odyssey across the sea will also offer beautiful material for your own creative writing. Slowing down and walking mindfully, you'll enter a leaf labyrinth, relaxing into a slow walking prayer on your journey to the Centre, to God...
All are welcome and no writing experience is needed.